Judge: To be nominated by the Committee
Children may enter any class intended for their age group or older, they are not restricted to only entering the classes in this Division but may also enter any Open Division. All points awarded to a child in an individual class in any Division, count in establishing the overall winner of each age/school year group. Points for group entries do not count. The child awarded the most points in the show will be awarded The Bedser Cup. Because space is limited all entries must fit on an A4 size sheet of paper. Please do not write your name on the front side of your entry.
Children Aged 4 and under - the winner receives a Halstead St Andrew's School Bear
73. A finger painting
Children in Reception, Years 1 and 2 – the winner receives the Halstead St Andrew's Cup
74. A portrait of an animal
75. A miniature garden
76. A leaf collage
Children in years 3, 4, 5 and 6 – the winner receives the Horsell Residents' Cup
77. Four fairy cakes made by you, on a plate
78. Your front cover of your favourite book
79. Potato print picture
For any child under 15 on the day of the show – Entries in this section may be from individuals or groups. Please indicate if the entry is from a group of children (eg. family members or a school class)
80. Lego creation
81. Six brownies made by you, on a plate
82. Decorated gingerbread person
83. Three paper flowers in a vase
84. A pot or tray of mustard and cress that you have grown
85. Design the front cover for next year’s show schedule. The winning design will be retained by the show committee for use next year. Do not write your name on your design.
86. The heaviest vegetable. (£5 prize for this class if your vegetable is heavier than the winner of Class 14)
87. Largest sunflower head. (£5 prize for this class if your sunflower is larger than the winner of Class 31)